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Stories in the Moment - Rehearsal (Online)

THURSDAY (once monthly)

3:00-4:00 PM Eastern Time

We invite you to join this special Stories in the Moment dance class and rehearsal!

Offered in collaboration with the DAA Literature and Art group and the Stories in the Moment dance and storytelling class, this rehearsal is a dedicated space to practice collaborative dance making. We will develop dance pieces over a period of time alongside dance and other artists as needed.

Classes begin with a brief seated and standing warm up offered by two dance artists from DanceStream Projects. After warm up, we will transition into activities to help us through this collaborative choreography process.

All are welcome to participate! All skill levels welcome! No prior dance experience needed. 

*This program is offered year round. Additional classes will be posted on a rolling basis.

*This program is being offered in partnership with the Dementia Action Alliance; register by contacting

September 4

Stories in the Moment (Online)

September 18

Stories in the Moment (Online)