We move forward together
Photo credit: Nuria Rius
As we reflect on the events of this last month in the United States and the increasing polarization and tension globally, we consider the role DanceStream Projects can play in offering an alternative mode of being: one that centers on belonging, dignity and collective well-being.
Our executive director, coming back from a week-long convening with global Atlantic Fellows on Catalyzing Change through Creative Approaches to Critical Conversations, was reminded of the need for rest and the prioritization of collective love and support. Emphasizing the words of South African friends who joined the convening, we need to center “Ubuntu”, the understanding that "I am because we are".
Looking forward into what is next, all of us at DanceStream Projects are committed to being there for our communities, to rebuild trust in our own ability to effect change that allows us to thrive. We are also committed to listening, allowing each person to be seen and heard, and to building collective belonging, agency and care. We commit to continue ally-ship in dance, in movement and in community.
As we do so, we ask you to join us on our first Giving Tuesday campaign, launching next week. Save the date for December 3, 2024 in your calendar and stay tuned for exciting ways you can become involved in ensuring everyone can access the powerful gift of dance to spark their brain health in 2025!
Together we can and will move forward.