Uniting through Dance and Community
Nurturing “mutuality of being” through dance as we move into this new year.
Happy Holidays from DanceStream Projects!
Wishing you abundance of connection, joy, love and dance in the New Year!
We move forward together
Centering gratitude, collective care and support as we plan for our next steps together
Global equity fellows explore creative approaches to critical conversations in Chile
Global Atlantic Fellows and staff join in a convening on catalyzing change exploring how creative approaches can help up navigate critical conversations in Chile
Queens community builds brain health through dance
Learn more about this Queens-wide project to bring together communities of older adults and people living with dementia in conversation about dance, brain health and belonging.
Welcome to our newsletter!
Subscribe today to engage with our events, meet our partners and browse the latest arts+health research & resources!
Rainbow Stories in the Moment Program Featured in DIVA Magazine
Rainbow Stories in the Moment class featured in DIVA Magazine!
Mettler-Based Group Dance Improvisation Workshops in NYC
Join us for a FREE 12-series Group Dance Incubator in NYC October - December 2024!
The Creative Age: A Global Celebration of Creative Aging
Celebrate the International Day of Older Persons through the Arts!
Stories in the Moment Virtual Early Stage Program
We are delighted to offer STORIES IN THE MOMENT in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association NY Chapter to offer this Twelve-Week Virtual Dance Program. The program is open to individuals living with early-stage dementia or MCI and care partners.
Interview in Polish Magazine “W Drodze”
DanceStream Projects director, Magda Kaczmarska and Foundation Dementia Action Alliance Poland president, Marlena Meyer joined Katarzyna Michalina Kaczmarkiewicz for an interview published this month in the “W Drodze” magazine.
Memory Connections and Stories in the Moment this Fall!
Stories in the Moment is partnering once again with Memory Connections (previously Mindful Connections) this Fall! This virtual program for people living with dementia and their caregivers to facilitates engagement between participants and the art and cultures of the Himalayan region.
Connecting Dance and Brain Health: Feature on Being Patient Podcast
DanceStream Projects founder featured on Being Patient Brain Talk.
Research study: how dance supports people living with dementia
Research study on dance for and with people living with dementia
Stories in the Moment returns IN PERSON to Queens Community House!
We are delighted to partner once again with Queens Community House Social Adult Day Services to bring STORIES IN THE MOMENT to the Forest Hills community this Fall! Programs will be meeting in person for the first time since before the pandemic at the Social Adult Day Services Program (108-25 62nd Drive Forest Hills, NY 11375).
Stories in the Moment debuts in Poland!
Members of the Dom Pomocy Społecznej (DPS) in Sopot, Poland participated in the Stories in the Moment dance and storytelling program this summer.
Dancing Belonging as an Action with NYC Elders
NYC elders connect through dance program to support brain health and build community.